Mar 7, 2011
1) Income gap in medical practice and 2) Topic of the month: Sports neurology. This podcast for the Neurology Journal begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the print issue of Neurology. In the second segment Dr. Alex Bragg interviews Dr. Bruce Sigsbee about his paper on income gap in medical practice. In the next segment, Dr. Jennifer Fugate is reading our e-Pearl of the week about Sneddon syndrome. In the next part of the podcast Dr. Howard Goodkin interviews Dr. Jeff Kutcher about chronic traumatic encephalopathy and retirement. The LOTWs for the next three weeks of March will be concussion diagnosis, post-concussion syndrome and peripheral nerve injury. The participants had nothing to disclose except Drs. Sigsbee, Fugate and Goodkin.Dr. Sigsbee as President-Elect of the American Academy of Neurology receives a stipend.Dr. Fugate serves on the editorial team for the Neurology® Resident and Fellow Section. Dr. Goodkin serves on the scientific board for Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance and CURE; serves on the editorial board for Neurology and Surgical Neurology International; receives royalties from the publication of the book The choking game and other strangulation activities in children and adolescents; and is funded by NIH grants [R01 NS067439 PI and R01 NS48413 PI].